Retreat Schedule
Retreats offer an opportunity to step away from our everyday lives and devote ourselves to personal spiritual development. It is a chance to connect with the peace and strength within us and to grow more in tune with nature. Those of us fortunate enough to have spent time with the Teacher truly appreciate the opportunity of this extended stay with him. Leong and the Teacher will be able to work deeply with each person in a group of about 30 people.
Spaces at retreats are filled on a first come, first served basis. Reservations require a nonrefundable deposit and therefore cannot be taken over the phone. Retreats fill quickly, so note the deadlines and submit your application and deposit early to guarantee your spot.
Note: The stated fee for retreats is based on multiple occupancy. We always attempt to honor roommate requests. Private rooms are usually not available for these retreats.
Scholarships are available through the Scholarship Committee. Completed applications must be received no later than 8 weeks before the retreat so they can be considered simultaneously. For more information about retreat scholarships or how to donate, see the Scholarship Info page.